URA Business Inc. established this storefront to showcase our work and support dogs in need.

Atlas Douglas Co.

A Working Dog, Supporting Small Businesses and Dogs in Need

Meet The Team Of Canines

A Family Run Business

The team that manages the Atlas Douglas Co. shop is part of URA Business Inc.‘s commitment to creating and improving small business initiatives. All the projects that URA Business Inc. creates are meant to support a cause of some kind. This venture focuses on supporting dogs, specifically those currently in shelters. Dog shelters close down all too frequently, yet the reality is we require more shelters, and ones of larger capacity.

Atlas Douglas is Spencer Douglas’ (owner of URA Business Inc.) beloved dog. Spencer Douglas loves his dog more than anything in the world and he believes every dog could and should be the most important thing to someone. Therefore all profits from this venture will be used to help dogs that are currently in shelters find forever homes. Due to overcrowding in shelters, we URGENTLY need to find homes for these dogs, or many shelters will have to turn them away. Visit our blog regularly for articles about local dogs in need of rehoming!

Our team of canines is full of brand ambassadors and leaders that are actively making a difference. All our dogs promote their family’s products, guided by the team of marketers with URA Business Inc. and of course the team of canines! So, let’s meet the team of canines! Starting with the undisputed best boy.

Team members Atlas Douglas- CEO (Canine Engagement Officer) and Maverick Eastman- CFO (Canine Fetching Officer)

Atlas Douglas- CEO (Canine Engagement Officer)

Team member Atlas Douglas- CEO (Canine Engagement Officer)

“As the Canine Engagement Officer, I am more than just my daddy’s boy I am an integral part of the marketing team. Spreading joy and sales for a list of products that create profits. These profits will later be donated to support charities and local businesses, including my local trainers. These training sessions provide short-form content that further advertises my small business venture.

As the CEO my cute little face is used for all branding. It’s crucial for me to deliver content that not only entertains my followers but also seamlessly showcases our merchandise through strategic product placement, which is usually inside my mouth. My goal is to expand my brand and create a community of dog lovers and artisans.

Our customer base is full of devoted pet owners who are seeking quality products and want their money going to places they support. What better way to support dogs, than post dog content, related to charity work, merchandise, me, and my team of canines?

My main goal as CEO is to provide support to dogs in need. To do this I have paw-selected products that have gone through my intensive play testing. This is to ensure all products are priced fairly for their use and quality, while still leaving enough space for profits that are able to be donated to our charity partners.”- Atlas Douglas (transcribed by Spencer Douglas)

Maverick Eastman- CFO (Canine Fetching Officer)

Team member Maverick Eastman- CFO (Canine Fetching Officer)

Maverick Eastman is Atlas’ cousin and business partner. As the Canine Fetching Officer, Maverick is responsible for gaining new artisan- made merchandise for our storefront. We welcome any local artisans that are looking to sell their products with Atlas Douglas Co. Through this, we hope to gain new brand ambassadors as businesses who sell products for dogs usually have family members that are dogs.

Maverick’s responsible for contacting people with small, often niche, businesses that usually hand-make their products. Artisans care about quality and these businesses care about dogs. Maverick and his mom hunt for high-quality products created and designed by these businesses and herd them into our Atlas Douglas Co. collection. This is to support small businesses that often struggle with selling their merchandise, due to a lack of marketing capabilities. Therefore our artisans are able to focus on their craft, instead of focusing on making sales. The Atlas Douglas Co. shop is the solution for artisans who care about their time, business, and their community.

Drop us a message if you would be interested in selling your dog-related merchandise in our store!

We Are Hiring! Join Our Team of Canines.

Available jobs for dogs:

COO (Canine Obedience Officer)

We are looking for a COO (Canine Obedience Officer). This new member of our team will need to provide blogs within a week upon request. These blogs will feature profiles of adoptable dogs from our partner shelters, alongside valuable training tips and engaging instructional videos with your trainer.

Independent Brand Ambassador

Able to look cute but professional, no matter what you do? You could get a list of our products for free! Your parents will simply have to take a quality video of you enjoying each of our products for a refund.

Artisan Brand Ambassador

Are you or your family selling dog products? Well, we would love to help you scale your business venture! To get started, simply get someone with fingers to reach out to us here [email protected]. We will then ask you to provide a sample of your product, and if it meets our standards, we’ll feature it on our site. You will be responsible of provide us with photos and videos of your with the product.

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