URA Business Inc. established this storefront to showcase our work and support dogs in need.

Atlas Douglas Co.

A Working Dog, Supporting Small Businesses and Dogs in Need

Contact The Team Of Canines

Atlas Douglas Would Love to Hear From You

Looking to contact Atlas Douglas and his company full of canines? Scroll down to fill out our contact form.

Thank you for supporting our mission to provide a better life for dogs in need. For every purchase you make in our store, we will donate 100% of the profits to local animal shelters. The money that we raise will go towards food, special treats, tough toys, collars, leashes, harnesses, crates, dishes, blankets, beds, cleaning supplies, grooming supplies, medicine, and veterinarian visits. Caring for your pup is expensive, now think about the shelters who have dozens of dogs at all times.

By purchasing merchandise from the Atlas Douglas Co. store, you are helping to kick-start our future projects. Through this storefront, we are advertising the services offered by URA Business Inc., so we can support more freelancers with their entrepreneurial journeys.

Our mission is to create a variety of projects similar to those of Atlas Douglas Co. To achieve this, we need to consistently provide profitable services after accounting for expenses such as hiring freelancers, purchasing software and subscriptions, buying equipment and supplies, advertising, legal fees, bookkeeping, taxes, rent, and payroll.

Spencer and Atlas Douglas cuddling on the couch. This is what every dog deserves to have in their life.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or need further information, please message us at [email protected]. Or use the contact form below to contact Atlas and his team of canines.

Send Atlas Douglas A Message

How is Atlas Douglas Co. Spending the Money on Dogs?

Atlas Douglas Co. is making a significant impact on the well-being of dogs in our local community by donating cash and supplies to nearby animal shelters. We do this to ensure that the dogs receive proper care and comfort while they await their forever homes. Depending on our cash flow, we will either save up for bulk purchases of supplies or distribute small amounts of cash to various shelters in need.

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